
Testosterone in Women

Posted On: 23-09-2020

Testosterone in Women

Testosterone (T) has always been thought as a male hormone giving men their masculinity and virility. Women normally shy away from this hormone thinking that it leads to aggressive behavior, bulking of muscles and growth of facial hair.

Testosterone in actual fact, is produced by both men and women. It is responsible in supporting an alert mind, toned body and strong bones, sexual health and libido. It also contributes to skin suppleness. Fatigue, sluggish muscle tone, sagging skin and an increase in abdominal fat occur when testosterone levels dip. When the hormone levels further depletes, the risk of osteoporosis also increases. The higher risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes has been associated with low testosterone levels.

Testosterone is produced ten times more in men than in women. Women produce testosterone in their ovaries and adrenal glands. The hormone is very important in women in terms of staying fit and physically strong, lean and sexually active. It is the hormone that gives a woman the motivation to perform her daily task, have a healthy libido and self-esteem and not succumb to fatigue and potentially depression.

Testosterone levels peak in women in their 20s and deplete thereafter. Stress, medication and lifestyle can hasten the process. Women who are postmenopausal, had their ovaries removed or on contraceptive pills have low testosterone levels. Testosterone treatment therapy has been introduced in women but more in men to address these symptoms of low T for an improved quality of life. However, women can benefit from optimal testosterone levels and there are safer and natural alternatives to improve testosterone levels i.e. by doing resistance or weight bearing exercise and opting for natural remedies such as Tongkat Ali.

Tongkat Ali has been traditionally taken as an energy tonic and aphrodisiac. Thirteen clinical trials on the standardized extract and product (Tongkat Ali Nuprep) showed healthy modulation of testosterone levels leading to recovery from fatigue, calming effect in stressed subjects, increase in muscle tone and strength, reduction in body fat and an increased libido and sexual health.

Women can benefit from Tongkat Ali in maintaining physical attractiveness, increase vigor while reducing stress and improving their libido, while managing their many roles and responsibilities as a career woman, wife and mother.